oral hearing中文什么意思

发音:   用"oral hearing"造句
  • oral:    adj. 口头的,口述的;【解剖学】 ...
  • hearing:    n. 1.听(动作或过程)。 2.听 ...
  • oral will:    口头遗嘱
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. Article 32 the arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings
  2. Article 80 for cases requiring oral hearing ( s ) , the secretariat of the arbitration commission shall notify the parties involved of the hearing date at least 15 days in advance
  3. Article 70 if the arbitration tribunal decides to hear the case orally , only one oral hearing shall be held . however , the arbitration tribunal may hold two oral hearings if really necessary
  4. At the request of the parties or with their consent , the arbitration tribunal may , if it also considers oral hearings unnecessary , hear and decide a case on the basis of documents only
  5. Where the patent re - examination board decides to hear the request for invalidation orally , it shall send a notification on the oral hearing to the party concerned , informing the date and place for holding the oral hearing


  1. oral health care 什么意思
  2. oral health clinic 什么意思
  3. oral health education activity 什么意思
  4. oral health education unit 什么意思
  5. oral health organization 什么意思
  6. oral histology and pathology 什么意思
  7. oral histopathology 什么意思
  8. oral histoplasmosis 什么意思
  9. oral histories 什么意思
  10. oral history 什么意思


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